Thursday, July 24, 2008

Entry 4- 6/28/08

Today was a pretty basic day for us. Breafast and a kind of a late start. But the ferry to Robbin Island was closed, so there was some disappointment in that. Robbin Island is the place where Nelson Mandela was a political prisoner for 27 years during the time of Apartheid in South Africa. The island is now a kind of testament to Mandela's life and work fighting for equality for black South Africa. We drove to Cape Point, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet and it was incredibly beautiful. Tall, amazing rocky cliffs with torrents of blueish green waves rolling and crashing against the rocks. I walked up to the top rather than paying the 45 Rand it cost. But I didn't take my time, which I should have done because af

ter reaching the top and taking some pictures, I started to feel sick and I knew that I was going to faint. Rachelle walked me part way to the gift shop and then joined the others at the point, another trail out to the cliffs. I went to the bathroom, but after awhile, I felt not so sick and I had some water and walked down the mountain. The water really helped. I definitely should have taken it easy! Anyway, it was worth it, the cool breeze and sun shining through the clouds, onto the sparkling waters below. The foliage, the weather beaten rocks, the sounds of the water. What an amazing world God has created and what a myriad of beauty He displays!

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