Thursday, July 24, 2008

Entry 8- 7/3/08

Yesterday, we got 4 new people on the team. I was glad to see them come because now there are people that haven't known each other for a month. They are DJ and Courtney, a married couple from Texas, Simeon, a telecommunications person from Vancover, and Rebeka, a Marine stationed in California. Simeon is 32 so it's also nice not to be the olderst one here and to have someone closer to my own age. We took a doly doly (mini-bus/taxi) to a huge mall and shopped around. I had an ostrich burger! It was really good. I bought some snacks, warm hiking socks, and a sweatshirt. Had a nice lunch conversation with Kaley about the Holy Spirit and Rebeka and I got some ice cream with sprinkles. One more trip participant, Charnay, has yet to arrive. She has been stuck waiting for a plane. Another delay
:( So I'm stuck in S.A. for another day. Trying not to be discouraged. I'm trusting God on this one. If He wants me out in the bush, He'll put me there! God willing, we will be leaving tonight at 12 midnight. That way, we won't have to sleep at the borders. Not sure what we'll do today. Maybe just hang out, maybe walk to town. I'll just take it as another day for God to work on me before my ministry begins. More later! I'm going to call Mike now!

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